FIVE lessons from my research

Nominate yourself or your friends for a new PK Forum series.
There is so much development related research being done in Myanmar these days. From looking at the macro economy through to the most detailed anthropological analyses of villages.
One of the issues though, is that there is often a gap between researchers and people who are actually working on development - in NGOs or UN agencies, or volunteering with community groups.
In a new series on the PK Forum we are challenging researchers to write a piece ‘Five Lessons from my Research’ – just 500 words in Burmese or English telling us the most important five things you have learnt.
We had a great response to this series last year which you can see here
Are you involved in a research project? Or do you have friends who are doing research? Then we want you to nominate yourself or your friends to be part of this series.
We feel as though the more that research can be communicated – beyond just formal reports and academic journals – the more that we can all learn.
You are welcome to write about a variety of fields - we have already had people writing about history, agriculture, peace, natural heritage and rights, politics, health and more.
Please send your names, or your friends’ names in a message to us on Facebook, or you send an email to